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Hair Care

Wigs & Bundles should be taken care of similarly to how you would
take care of your natural ​​mane
. In some cases, there are variations of care. However,
please adhere to the care and maintenance guidelines to extend the life, get more bang
for your hard-earned buck, and reuse our bundles.

Nightly Care
You may choose not to style your hair every morning and that’s fine.

However, we highly recommend that you comb or brush the tresses nightly to ensure detangling remains.

It’s always best to start from the bottom and work your way toward the scalp.
Regardless of the hair texture, after combing/brushing, it’s best to lightly braid the hair.
This helps ensure no tangling while sleeping. If you opt against a light braid, a wrap
style is recommended.
A satin or silk bonnet is your hair’s best friend, as well as your face.

If you choose not to wear a bonnet, sleep on a satin or silk pillow.

Hair Showers
After installation, it’s imperative to maintain a clean mane. You can self-wash or have
your hair professionally cleaned every two weeks. This also ensures proper
care for your natural mane beneath the unit or install.

If self-washing:
• Co-wash! Co-wash is using conditioner instead of shampoo. This helps lock the
moisture within your hair follicles and the extension tresses.
• Use a gentle shampoo if you use a lot of hair products in between co-washes.
• It’s best to self-wash in the shower or someplace where your hair stays behind
you. If there is no other option, co-washing or shampooing with your hair
flipped over your head will work, as long as you are careful.

Reinstalls Matter
TruHair Boutique’s Wigs & Bundles can last up to 18 months with proper care and
storage. This means you’ll have to remove the installation from time to time.

Installations should last no longer than six to eight weeks, depending on method
and technique. If longer, it’s possible your natural hair will mat beneath the
unit, even with proper care. Also, the bundles need their rest, so to
speak, and proper cleansing.

If reinstalling as soon as the installation is removed, professionally do the removal.
Your cosmetologist will clean the bundles by licensing standards before
reinstalling them. I
f reinstalling at a later date, cleanse the extension bundles with shampoo and
conditioner as you would your natural hair. Let the extension bundles air dry. Comb
through to ensure no tangling. Store in the satin pouch in which they were

Closures & Frontals
Closure and Frontals are typically not reinstalled. Once they are removed,
we recommend reordering if that is the style flexibility you desire.



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